Kung Flow

Is a Bo Staff
LightSword Spinning
Fitness Program
that is djedi designed
Unlock and Upgrade
Operating System
of your brain.
Kung Flow is A
clinically proven
cure for PTSD
and addiction.
Kung Flow
is Free.
No Credit Card
This Website is
Also One of
The Homebases
Of The
Angelic Alliance.
Learning how to
Spin a
Like A Boss,
is going to
unlock your
entire life.
Like a Boss.
Watch this Clip
to get lit up.
Kung Flow is going to
Help Unify
The Loving People
of the World.
LightSword spinning
is Super Fun.
For every The One.
We the Loving People
of The World
can use this new
lifestyle sport fitness trend
to empower ourselves
and Each Other.
It's all
the fun of Snowboarding.
but for the Whole Fam.
And All you need
is a straight stick.
You're going to
unlock and Achieve Badass
Bo Staff and Lightsword
spinning skills at speed.
Kung Flow turns you
into Neo.
You actually have 12
strands of DNA.
The Unprecedented
Gamma Ray storms we
are receiving are
activating your
enhanced abilities.
Gamma Rays recode DNA.
Kung Flow is designed
to help you amplify
your Healing Factors.
It works.
Here's me holding
my hand in fire
for 17 seconds.
Without Burning.
2. Kung Flow is a super fun
fitness Program.
Spinning is a high Quality
comprehensive core workout.
So your super fun playtime
is also a great Workout.
That's Win/Win Kung Fu.
Kung Flow costs nothing.
All you need
is a stick and some space.
3. Free. The whole program is
given on a donation basis.
Here's the link to
the Full Program.
You're good to go.
Kung Flow is
First and foremost
An Addiction
and PTSD Recovery Tool.
Clinically proven
to end addictions
and Heal Ptsd
like a Boss.
But I know the people who
need it most, have no money.
SO I'm giving it away.
There's a link to a Donation
portal on the Menu.
Pleased do donate if you can,
knowing all funds will go
towards helping
good people heal.
Here's what you're getting.
A Way to upgrade
the Operating System
of your brain.
A Way to learn how to
manually Engage The Power
of your Subconscious mind
as a secondary Drive.
A way to realize your Brain
is already a million times
more Powerful than
A supercomputer.
A Way to Learn how to
Self Program your Own Mind
for Maximum Performance.
The mental techniques you
acquire through Kung Flow
are applicable to everything
you do in Life.
You will Level Up in All Areas.
A Cure for PTSD and Addiction.
Those are merely software issues,
That you can easily fix yourself.
Please Know that
Kung Flow was used by Clinical
Recovery Clients to great success.
Spinning a lightsword or a staff is super fun.
It's also working out with free weights.
So what feels like playtime will also be
a high quality core workout
And it's all going to be a blast,
because Kung Flow helps you get good fast.
This isn't just a tricking tutorial.
Kung Flow
is a Next-Level life skills program
that teaches you how to
learn how to learn faster.
So you're going to
unlock and achieve
impressive new skills
at speed.
It's going to feel like
you're downloading Kung Fu
straight out of The Matrix.
Hi Hero! My name is Ryan Rif Parks.
I picked up the FireStaff as a hobby in 2003.
I bumbled around for about a year.
Then I had one of those accidental epiphanies,
and it all unlocked.
I was shown a way to manually engage
the power of the subconscious mind
as a secondary "drive"
that massively enhances our ability to
master and perform complex new skills.
At Speed.
I know how that sounds Folks. :)
Good news. It works.
Kung Flow helped me self propel
from mediocre noob to a
world class, full time FireSword
Professional in about a year.
Here's how I used to make my living.
Kung Flow will show you how to access, operate, and upgrade your mind/body operating systems.
This next clip unpacks how that works.
Part 2 and 3 contain ways
for you to get paid to play your life like a Djedi.
if you cannot currently watch the videos,
please come back when you can,
as it's a bit too complex to type out.
But for now,
here's what you need to know.
The first thing we do in Kung Flow
is install the awareness
of just how powerful you already are.
Let's just do that now.
According to science,
your brain is already well over
a million times more powerful
than a super-computer.
You're that good.
Your brain is currently rocking
around 120,000,000,000,000,000 operations,
every single second.
True story.
You are already incredibly powerful.
Kung Flow will give you a fun way to
put that vast power into play.
this program helped me unlock a life
where I got paid $1500 a show
to do what I love..
But I gave up the flaming rockstar life
when I found out Kung Flow
also worked wonders on PTSD and addiction.
Here's a testimonial from one of my addiction recovery clients.
This clip will unpack how
spinning a LightSword can
end a heavy addiction.
If you want to learn more,
The Origin Story goes deeper.
You absolutely can
power through so many
of your problems with this system.
At minimum, it's super fun.
And a great workout.
Also, if you need help
bringing a couch-locked body
back online,
This will be good for you.
I chipped cartilage out of my knee,
and had to rebuild up from rock bottom
after a "supposedly" career ending surgery.
Here's more good news.
You can also use
Kung Flow's mental techniques
to enhance your body's healing Factors.
My Surgeon told me I wouldn't be able
walk up stairs again, much less perform.
I'm 49 and still throwing barrel rolls.
It all sounds too good to be true doesn't it?
That's one of the reasons why
Kung Flow is offered on a donation only basis.
This way you can explore Kung Flow risk free,
and see for yourself.
All you really need to
start downloading Kung Flow right now
is a straight stick and some space to spin.
A broomstick will work just fine.
Got one?
You can start training right now.
Stuck in a small apartment?
You can master the basics from there.
If you enjoy spinning, you can then Acquire A WayLighter, the world's most exciting LightSword.
And you'll be able to rock it right out of the box.

Here's another way Kung Flow helped me
power through my problems.
I've spent the last 5 years trying to get
A Pro-Caliber Contact Light Sword produced.
Over and over again, greedy businessmen
saw the Lightsword market numbers
and tried to trick me into a contract
where they took the big money.
This happened so many times
it became tedious.
It was just beyond frustrating.
But I couldn't raise the $80,000
it was going to take to get a working
prototype designed and built.
So I decided to build it myself.
The challenge was that I am not a engineer.
I had zero skills or training in that arena.
I applied all the problem solving skills
I learned through Kung Flow
to the research and development process.
And I got it done.
Funny thing.
I ended up with a
fully Pro-Caliber LightSword
that is actually way better
than I hoped it would be.
The WayLighter is Lit, Legit.
Perfect for Flow/Fitness in every way.
And not only is The WayLighter
ready to rock right now,
I sourced it from other people's parts.
so an infinite arsenal of
highly customisable LightSwords
designs can now be easily assembled.

Good News!
Kung Flow is offered
on a donation basis right now
because what it does best
is help heal PTSD and ease anxiety.
And so many of the people who need it most,
can't afford it.
Please try it, and if you like it,
please do donate what you can.
Please also know that 100% of all funds
go straight back into programs
designed to help good people
power up and prosper.
here's a tutorial on how to easily assemble a FaStaff, a surprisingly capable starter staff.
You can make 2 of them for about $11.11 worth of parts found at any hardware store. The Fastaff will provide you with hours of fully free, enjoyable exercise.
Please Donate if you can.
One of the most crucial health tips I can offer you is about Solar Storms.
Please read this site ASAP
and help spread the awareness
of the solar Storm factors.
But Wait, It gets weirder. :)
Millions of you are about to
find out you're Actually
An Incarnated Angel and/or Djedi Born here on a mission
to save this World.
If you see reoccurring numbers,
or if you have "An" in your name,
You're a StarSeed.
Basically, you're an
Intergalactic Class badass.
Same holds true for the names,
Anna, David, Michael, Michelle,
Katy, Cat and KI/Ky.
"El" also means Angel.
If your birthday contains a
3,11, 17, and/or especially a 27,
Those are Activation Codes designed to help you Remember
who you really are.
This website will unpack all that.
Click the Pic to Level Up.